First visit to Biskra

A significant milestone in AMAZING project has been achieved: Biskra played host to the first visit of the Italian team members in June with a workshop held in M’Chouneche, from the 5th to the 9th, that saw a blend of on-field and participatory activities. The workshop's core focus was to encourage active participation and create a platform for dialogue. Attendees, including local residents and invited experts, were able to collaborate, exchange ideas, and contribute to discussions on key topics of the project, such as optimization of water resources, enhance historical buildings and promote circular economy.

On-field activities

Joined by enthusiastic members of the University of Biskra and local community, we embarked on a tour of the Wadi Abiod Valley, oasis in Biskra and the main attractions nestled within the town of M'Chouneche.

We had the chance to explore the laboratories of the University of Biskra's Mechanical and Hydraulic Engineering Department, where we gained insights into their ongoing research endeavors.

Participatory activities

The local community's extraordinary active participation proved to be invaluable as they generously shared their cultural insights and technical expertise, providing us with a wealth of information about the study site of the AMAZING project. The workshop participants carried with them not only fond memories but also a newfound appreciation for the interconnectedness of knowledge and the power of sharing. The synergy between academia, culture, and community demonstrated during this visit underscored the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration. The hospitality and enthusiasm displayed by locals and the students and staff of the University of Biskra were truly heartwarming: were not just visitors, we were welcomed as collaborators and members of their community. This pioneering visit to Biskra marks a promising step towards creating a platform for cross-cultural exchange and experiential learning.